Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Archaeology

    Year in review: Roster of dinosaurs expands

    With the discovery of several new species and a few dogma-shaking revelations, dinosaurs got a total rethink in 2014.

  2. Earth

    Mega volcanism indicted in dinosaur demise

    Precision dating strengthens idea that climate-altering Deccan volcanism contributed to dinosaur extinction.

  3. Animals

    Five species that show why ‘bird brain’ is a stupid phrase

    Birds can use tools, make art and understand human language. Why do we assume they are stupid?

  4. Paleontology

    Brontosaurus deserves its name, after all

    Brontosaurus belongs in a genus separate from Apatosaurus, a new study proposes.

  5. Earth

    Evidence falls into place for once and future supercontinents

    Shifting landmasses have repeatedly reshaped Earth’s surface. Researchers piecing together the past are now picturing a new supercontinent, due in 250 million years.

  6. Earth

    Nuclear blasts, other human activity signal new epoch, group argues

    A group of scientists will formally propose the human-defined Anthropocene as a new epoch in Earth’s geologic history within a few years, probably pegging the start date to nuclear tests.

  7. Paleontology

    Your toy stegosaurus may be a girl

    Male and female stegosaurs may have looked different, a new study finds.

  8. Paleontology

    Snakes crawled among Jurassic dinosaurs, new timeline says

    Earliest snake fossils provide evidence snakes evolved their flexible skulls before their long, limbless bodies.

  9. Paleontology

    Fearsome croc called the Carolina Butcher once ruled the north

    Early ancestors of crocodiles, not dinosaurs, may have been northern Pangaea’s top predator 230 million years ago, according to a new fossil find.

  10. Genetics

    Genes linked to feather development predate dinosaurs

    The genes for feather development may have existed more than 100 million years before dinosaurs sported hints of the fluffy plumage.

  11. Animals

    ‘On the Wing’ chronicles origins of flying animals

    In "On the Wing," a biomechanicist reviews how animals took to the air.

  12. Paleontology

    Fossils illustrate evolution of life

    Paleontologist Donald Prothero takes readers through the evolution of life on Earth from the earliest oozes of goo to our recent relative Lucy.
