Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. 19681

    Unlike some, I find no problem with the idea of hybrids between ancestors of chimpanzees and humans. We have to assume that any speciation event will be protracted. The collection of genes that separate humans from apes would hardly have arisen in a single individual. From my study of dabbling ducks, I have come to […]

  2. Animals

    Ebola Die-Off: Gorilla losses tallied in central Africa

    Between 2001 and 2005, Ebola virus killed at least 5,500 lowland gorillas in the Republic of the Congo.

  3. Anthropology

    Mental Leap

    As scientists discover traits shared by human and ape ancestors millions of years ago, they try to fill in the gaps of human evolution.

  4. Anthropology

    Red-Ape Stroll

    Wild orangutans regularly walk upright through the trees, raising the controversial possibility that the two-legged stance is not unique to hominids.

  5. Anthropology

    Hybrid-Driven Evolution: Genomes show complexity of human-chimp split

    A controversial new genetic comparison suggests that human and chimpanzee ancestors interbred for several million years before evolving into reproductively separate species no more than 6.3 million years ago.

  6. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2007

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the past year.

  7. Anthropology

    Evolution’s DNA Difference: Noncoding gene tied to origin of human brain

    Investigators have discovered a gene that shows signs of having evolved rapidly in people and of having made a substantial contribution to the emergence of a uniquely human brain.

  8. Copycat Monkeys: Macaque babies ape adults’ facial feats

    Scientists for the first time have established that baby monkeys, shortly after birth, imitate facial movements made by people and adult monkeys.

  9. Humans

    Letters from the July 15, 2006, issue of Science News

    People want to know “Sharing the Health: Cells from unusual mice make others cancerfree” (SN: 5/13/06, p. 292) reported that years ago it was discovered that certain male mice eradicate cancer cells and that white blood cells from these mice make normal mice cancer resistant. It also reported that it is superpremature to look forward […]

  10. Chimps creep closer yet

    Humans evolved most slowly of all primates, with chimps a close second.

  11. Well-Tooled Primates

    People may have leaned on ancient primate-brain capacities to begin making stone tools by 2.5 million years ago, a transition that possibly spurred the development of language and other higher mental faculties.

  12. Chimps ape others to learn tool use

    Chimpanzees appear to develop traditions of tool use by copying one another's behavior and conforming to a successful approach.
