Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Chemistry

    Human blood types have deep evolutionary roots

    The ABO system may date back 20 million years or more, a genetic analysis suggests.

  2. Life

    Chimps’ baby teeth don’t predict weaning

    The age at which a chimpanzee gets its first molar tooth doesn't predict when it will stop nursing.

  3. Science & Society

    Science News at the 2013 AAAS meeting

    A round-up of Science News coverage of the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held February 14–18, 2013 in Boston.

  4. Psychology

    Babies’ flexible squeals may enable them to talk later

    Language evolution might have fed off infants’ ability to use certain sounds to express various emotions.

  5. Life

    Geneticists go ape for better primate family tree

    The first gorilla genome and a more detailed look at chimp genetics provide new clues to evolution of humans and their closest relatives.

  6. Life

    Ebola may go airborne

    Infected pigs can transmit virus to primates without contact, a new study finds.

  7. Life

    Pigeons rival primates in number task

    Trained on one-two-three, the birds can apply the rule of numerical order to such lofty figures as five and nine.

  8. Humans

    Penis size does matter

    Women tend to consider men with lengthier members more visually attractive.

  9. Life

    Cloning produces human embryonic stem cells

    Fine-tuning of technique used in other animals could enable personalized medicine.

  10. Animals

    Face Smarts

    Macaques, sheep and even wasps may join people as masters at facial recognition.

  11. Life

    Two steps to primate social living

    Evolutionary shifts about 52 million and 16 million years ago led to the group structures observed today, researchers argue.

  12. BOOK REVIEW: Games Primates Play: An Undercover Investigation of the Evolution and Economics of Human Relationships by Dario Maestripieri

    Review by Bruce Bower.
