Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Paleontology

    A squid fossil offers a rare record of pterosaur feeding behavior

    150 million years ago, a pterosaur attempted to snatch a squid from the ocean surface and lost a tooth in the process.

  2. Climate

    Mercury levels in fish are rising despite reduced emissions

    Climate change and overfishing can increase how much mercury accumulates in fish, counteracting efforts to reduce human-caused emissions.

  3. Paleontology

    Cannibalism in the womb may have helped megalodon sharks become giants

    The ancient sea terror Otodus megalodon may have grown to at least 14 meters long thanks to a firstborn pup’s predatory behavior, some researchers say.

  4. Life

    Piranhas and their plant-eating relatives, pacus, replace rows of teeth all at once

    Piranhas and pacus both lose and replace all teeth on one side of their mouths in one go, which may help to distribute wear and tear.

  5. Life

    Why otters ‘juggle’ rocks is still a mystery

    Shuffling pebbles really fast looks as if it should boost otters’ dexterity, but a new study didn’t find a link.

  6. Neuroscience

    Both fish and humans have REM-like sleep

    Sleeping zebrafish have brain and body activity similar to snoozing mammals, suggesting that sleep evolved at least 450 million years ago.

  7. Animals

    Flamboyant cuttlefish save their bright patterns for flirting, fighting and fleeing

    A new field study of flamboyant cuttlefish shows they don’t always live up to their reputation.

  8. Animals

    Dolphins can learn from peers how to use shells as tools

    While most foraging skills are picked up from mom, some bottlenose dolphins seem to look to their peers to learn how to trap prey in shells.

  9. Climate

    Malin Pinsky seeks to explain how climate change alters ocean life

    As global temperatures rise, Malin Pinsky’s research attempts to understand how marine ecosystems are changing and why.

  10. Oceans

    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill spread much farther than once thought

    Computer simulations reveal the full extent of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

  11. Life

    A mussel poop diet could fuel invasive carp’s spread across Lake Michigan

    Asian carp, just a human-made waterway away from reaching Lake Michigan, could live in much more of the lake than previously thought.

  12. Earth

    Earth’s annual e-waste could grow to 75 million metric tons by 2030

    Unwanted electronic waste is piling up rapidly around the globe, while collection and recycling efforts are failing to keep pace, a new report shows.
