Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Animals

    The dinosaurs in the backyard

    Chickens are some of the closest relatives of dinosaurs, and though genetic tinkering the birds might even one day be turned into tiny dinos.

  2. Animals

    ‘Silent Sparks’ illuminates fascinating world of fireflies

    In a new book, a firefly researcher explores why scientists and kids alike are captivated by lightning bugs.

  3. Paleontology

    12 amazing fossil finds of 2015

    From an ancient sponge ancestor to the Carolina Butcher, scientists learned a lot about life on Earth this year.

  4. Earth

    Dinosaurs may not have seen the Grand Canyon after all

    New geologic comparisons peg the Grand Canyon’s inception well after dinosaurs went extinct.

  5. Science & Society

    Blame bad incentives for bad science

    Scientists have to publish a constant stream of new results to succeed. But in the process, their success may lead to science’s failure, two new studies warn.

  6. Paleontology

    Traces of dino blood, soft tissue found even in junk bones

    Hints of blood and collagen found in poorly preserved dinosaur bones suggest that soft tissue from the creatures may be easier to come by.

  7. Paleontology

    Long-necked monsters roamed more than Scotland’s lochs

    The discovery of sauropod footprints in Scotland suggest the dinosaurs lived in lagoons.

  8. Paleontology

    This dinosaur’s ride may have been a glide

    A new dino called Yi qi may have taken to the skies with wings akin to those of pterosaurs and flying squirrels.

  9. Paleontology

    Triceratops relative reveals dino diversity

    A newly discovered relative of Triceratops provides new insight into the evolution of horned dinosaurs.

  10. Paleontology

    Dino eggs came in different colors

    Dinosaur eggs came in bold shades of blue-green and brown-speckled blue.

  11. Paleontology

    New analysis cuts massive dino’s weight in half

    Gigantic dinosaur Dreadnoughtus may have weighed only about half of what scientists estimated last year.

  12. Paleontology

    ‘Frankenstein’ dinosaur was a mash-up of meat eater and plant eater

    Fossils of a bizarre-looking dinosaur found in Chile are challenging ideas about how dinosaurs adapted to their environments.
