Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Age Becomes Her: Male chimpanzees favor old females as mates

    Male chimpanzees in Uganda prefer to mate with older females, a possible sign of males' need to identify successful mothers in a promiscuous mating system.

  2. Humans

    Letters from the October 6, 2007, issue of Science News

    Cat scam? Oscar the cat possibly does identify dying patients (“Grim Reap Purr: Nursing home feline senses the end,” SN: 7/28/07, p. 53), but the story you printed presents anecdotal rather than scientific evidence and does not belong in a science magazine. Julie EnevoldsenSeattle, Wash. Correlation is not causation. Could it not be that, somehow, […]

  3. Two dimensions of mind perception

    A new survey indicates that people discern the presence or absence of a mental life in others by assessing two general dimensions of thought.

  4. Anthropology

    When female chimps become baby killers

    Although long thought to be rare, instances in which female chimps band together to kill other females' infants occur fairly regularly under certain circumstances.

  5. Anthropology

    Tools for Prey: Female chimps move to fore in hunting

    For the first time, researchers have observed wild chimpanzees making and using tools to hunt other animals, a practice adopted mainly by adult females and youngsters.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Old cure may offer new malaria option

    An herbal-tea remedy for malaria contains a component that may form the basis of a novel drug against the disease.

  7. Genome 2.0

    Detailed explorations of the human genome are showing that individual genes may have complex structures, and that much of what had been called junk DNA is not junk at all.

  8. Anthropology

    Disinherited Ancestor: Lucy’s kind may occupy evolutionary side branch

    A controversial analysis of a recently discovered jaw from a 3-million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis puts Lucy's species on an evolutionary side branch that eventually died out.

  9. Chimps lead way to HIV birthplace

    A viral analysis confirms that the global AIDS epidemic originated in chimpanzees living in southeastern Cameroon.

  10. Anthropology

    Fossil Sparks

    Two new fossil discoveries and an analysis of ancient teeth challenge traditional assumptions about ape and human evolution.

  11. Anthropology

    Evolution’s Child: Fossil puts youthful twist on Lucy’s kind

    Researchers have announced the discovery of the oldest and most complete fossil child in our evolutionary family yet found.

  12. Anthropology

    Chimps spread out their tools

    Chimpanzees use stones to crack nuts in an African region far from where that behavior was thought to be relegated.
