Search Results for: Amphibians

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726 results
  1. Animals

    Strange Y chromosome makes supermom mice

    An otherwise rare system of sex determination has evolved independently at least six times in one genus of South American mice.

  2. Earth

    Sexual Hang-Up: Fish hormones change when oxygen is scarce

    Oxygen deprivation—an escalating problem in freshwater ecosystems worldwide—tampers with sex hormones in carp and might underlie the decline in some fish and amphibian species.

  3. Ecosystems

    Risky High Life: Mountain creatures prove extra-vulnerable

    Some of the species hardest hit by climate change will be those living in particular mountain highlands.

  4. Paleontology

    Fossils of early salamanders found

    A recent discovery of fossilized salamanders pushes back a milestone in amphibian evolution by more than 100 million years.

  5. Earth

    More Frog Trouble: Herbicides may emasculate wild males

    New studies of male frogs in the wild link trace exposures to common weed killers with partial sex reversal.

  6. Animals

    New frog-killing disease may not be so new

    The skin disease that savaged amphibians in remote wildernesses in the 1990s has been linked to outbreaks in the 1970s.

  7. Earth

    Feminized Frogs: Herbicide disrupts sexual growth

    At concentrations currently found in water, the widely used weed killer atrazine hormonally strips male frogs of their masculinity and may be partly responsible for global amphibian declines.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Making the optic nerve sprout anew

    A compound made during inflammation, a natural reaction to injury, can induce optic nerve regeneration in a lab-dish concoction including rat retinal ganglion cells.

  9. Animals

    Pesticides Mess with Immunity: Double whammy promotes frog deformities

    Agricultural pollutants may conspire with parasites to cause the epidemic of limb deformity that's sweeping through North America's frog populations.

  10. Earth

    Hawaii’s Hated Frogs

    Wildlife officials in Hawaii are investigating unconventional pesticides to eradicate invasive frogs—or at least to check their advance.

  11. Paleontology

    Into the Gap: Fossil find stands on its own four legs

    A fossil originally misidentified as an ancient fish turns out to be the nearly intact remains of a four-limbed creature that lived during an extended period noted for its lack of fossils of land animals.

  12. Science & Society

    Science News of the Year 2003

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2003.
