Search Results for: mars mission

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1,004 results
  1. Astronomy

    Curiosity goes to the flow

    Sent to Mars in search of water and other evidence of habitability, the rover appears to have landed in a dry streambed.

  2. Humans

    Neil Armstrong, first man on moon, dies at 82

    Apollo 11 commander held true to his engineering roots.

  3. Space

    California meteorite a scientific gold mine

    Sutter’s Mill rock preserves rare, fresh material from outer space.

  4. Worst-Case Scenario Ultimate Adventure #2: Mars! by Hena Khan and David Borgenicht

    Kids must use their science know-how to navigate a mission to Mars in this choose-your-adventure book, picking up facts about space along the way. Chronicle Books, 2011, 204 p., $12.99, ages 8–12

  5. Planetary Science

    Planetary Peekaboo

    Astronomers aren’t playing games when it comes to spotting an exoEarth.

  6. Men to Mars Possible in 60’s, Experts Say

    Experts had forecast that astronauts would walk on Mars by 1970, but such a feat is still 20-plus years out.

  7. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    An asteroid's star turn, a 520-day mission to nowhere and the brightest millisecond pulsar ever.

  8. Space

    Going where no Mars rover has gone before

    NASA's next Mars mission, Curiosity, will land in the Red Planet's Gale Crater.

  9. Space

    Spacecraft goes from crash landing to mission accomplished

    The wreckage of the Genesis probe yields a bonanza of discoveries about conditions in the early solar system.

  10. Space

    The best next space missions

    The National Research Council issues recommendations for planetary science projects that NASA and NSF should fund starting in 2013.

  11. Rock, Rattle and Roll

    Planetary scientists seek to fill in gaps in outer solar system’s formative years.

  12. Humans

    Despite lean times, Obama wants R&D hikes

    The proposed federal budget would stall nonmandated spending overall, but science and tech would climb.
