Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Genetics

    Finally, some solid science on Bigfoot

    DNA analysis finds no Bigfoot, no yeti, two weird bears and one scientist on a quest for the truth.

  2. Neuroscience

    Caffeine shakes up growing mouse brains

    When pregnant mice consumed caffeine, their offspring had altered neurons and faulty memory.

  3. Humans

    Origins of alcohol consumption traced to ape ancestor

    Eating fermented fruit off the ground may have paved way for ability to digest ethanol.

  4. Animals

    What animal is the world’s best rock climber?

    Lots of animals manage to scale vertical heights, and each has their own way of accomplishing the feat.

  5. Animals

    Mama bird tells babies to shut up, danger is near

  6. Paleontology

    Earliest primate had tree-climber ankles

    A creature known only from fossils of its teeth gets some more parts.

  7. Saving primates with a dog and scat

    View the video Graduate student Joseph Orkin, left, follows canine field assistant Pinkerton on a hunt for primate poop. Sun Guo-Zheng Joseph Orkin has found an unusual way to study highly endangered — and highly elusive — primates in southwestern China. Orkin hikes into isolated mountaintop forests accompanied by a four-legged assistant who avidly sniffs out scat left by […]

  8. Animals

    Some elephants get the point

  9. Humans

    How We Do It

    The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction by Robert Martin.

  10. Science & Society

    Chimps in captivity may soon join endangered species list

    Proposal would extend protections to both wild and captive primate populations.

  11. Humans

    Could the menstrual cycle have shaped the evolution of music?

    A new study suggesting that women select better musicians shows how women’s role in evolution is being redefined.

  12. 2013 AAAS meeting

    Highlights from the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, February 14-18, 2013.
