Search Results for: GENE THERAPY

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1,068 results
  1. Life

    Building the body electric

    Eyes can be grown in a frog’s gut by changing cells’ electrical properties, scientists find, opening up new possibilities for generating and regenerating complex organs.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Mutated gene cited in some ovarian cancers

    The finding may help researchers devise a way to screen women with endometriosis for cancer risk.

  3. Life

    Prion protein is not all bad

    The molecule’s real job may be to maintain myelin around nerves.

  4. Lessons from the Torpid

    Hibernators have some helpful tips for keeping humans healthy

  5. Crushing Cancer’s Defenses

    Vaccine approval offers hope while other armies muster.

  6. Life

    To researchers’ surprise, one Pseudomonas infection is much like the next

    Consistent genetic changes in the lung bacteria that commonly plague cystic fibrosis patients are a welcome discovery because they may point to new treatment strategies.

  7. Blind mice see again

    Researchers use a bacterial gene to cure blindness in mice.

  8. Life

    Helping Bats Hold On

    Scientists seek a savior as a deadly fungal pandemic explodes through vulnerable colonies.

  9. Life

    Dining In

    A process called autophagy, is a means of self-preservation, cleansing and stress management for a cell.With their sights on fighting disease, scientists are now uncovering the mechanics that keep autophagy in balance.

  10. Life

    The unusual suspects

    With no obvious culprit in sight, geneticists do broader sweeps to identify autism’s causes.

  11. Worming Your Way to Better Health

    To battle autoimmune disease and allergy, scientists tune in to the tricks of parasites.

  12. Health & Medicine

    New drug fights metastatic melanoma

    A novel compound joins two other promising therapies to offer hope for patients with the advanced form of the skin cancer, who currently have poor treatment options.
