Search Results for: Platypus

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92 results
  1. Paleontology

    ‘Echidnapus’ hints at a lost age of egg-laying mammals

    The fossil discoveries double the number of known monotreme species during the Cretaceous Period.

  2. Animals

    In a first, these bats were found to have toes that glow

    Hairs on the toes of Mexican free-tailed bats fluoresce under UV light, a new study reports. The function of the toe glow is unknown.

  3. Animals

    Fish beware: Bottlenosed dolphins may be able to pick up your heartbeat

    Fish, sharks and platypuses are adept at sensing electrical signals living things give off. Bottlenosed dolphins make that list too, studies suggests.

  4. Life

    Many frogs glow in blue light, and it may be a secret, eerie language

    Biofluorescence is far more common across frog species than previously thought. The faint twilight glow could have a role in communication or mating.

  5. Plants

    The fastest-evolving moss in the world may not adapt to climate change

    The genus Takakia has the largest number of fast-evolving genes of any moss, a study finds. But it’s losing ground in the warming Himalayas.

  6. Paleontology

    Living fast may have helped mammals like ‘ManBearPig’ dominate

    Staying in the womb for a while but being born ready to rock may have helped post-dinosaur mammals take over the planet.

  7. Animals

    Some wasps’ nests glow green under ultraviolet light

    Some Asian paper wasps’ nests fluoresce so brilliantly that the glow is visible from up to 20 meters away.

  8. Animals

    A blue-green glow adds to platypuses’ long list of bizarre features

    The discovery of platypuses’ fluorescent fur has researchers wondering if the trait is more widespread among mammals than anyone has realized.

  9. Paleontology

    Tiny eyes make a bizarre, ancient platypus-like reptile even weirder

    An ancient oddball marine reptile had teeny-tiny eyes, suggesting it probably used senses other than sight to catch food.

  10. Life

    Microbiologists took 12 years to grow a microbe tied to complex life’s origins

    Years of lab work resulted in growing a type of archaea that might help scientists understand one of evolution’s giant leaps toward complexity.

  11. Animals

    A jumping spider mom nurses her brood for weeks on milk

    Even after spiderlings start hunting for themselves, they come to mom for milk.

  12. Animals

    An echidna’s to-do list: Sleep. Eat. Dig up Australia.

    Short-beaked echidna’s to-do list looks good for a continent losing other digging mammals.
