Search Results for: Invertebrate

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698 results
  1. Environment

    Fiddler crabs are migrating north to cooler waters

    The crabs are climate migrants and could be a harbinger of changes to come as more species move in.

  2. Neuroscience

    Lampreys have ‘fight or flight’ cells, challenging ideas about nervous system evolution

    The discovery of sympathetic nervous system cells in lampreys draws a closer tie between the animal and complex vertebrates — such as humans.

  3. Paleontology

    This spiky fossil shows what early mollusks looked like

    The fossil, plus 17 others from more than 500 million years ago, reveal that early mollusks were slug-like creatures with prickly armor.

  4. Animals

    Glowing octocorals have been around for at least 540 million years

    Genetic and fossil analyses shine a light on how long the invertebrates have had bioluminescence — a trait thought to be volatile.

  5. Animals

    Want to see butterflies in your backyard? Try doing less yardwork

    Growing out patches of grass can lure adult butterflies and moths with nectar and offer lawn mower–free havens for toddler caterpillars.

  6. Life

    Crabs left the sea not once, but several times, in their evolution

    A new study is the most comprehensive analysis yet of the evolution of “true crabs.”

  7. Animals

    ‘Cull of the Wild’ questions sacrificing wildlife in the name of conservation

    In his new book, ecologist Hugh Warwick seeks middle ground in the waging battle that is wildlife management.

  8. Planetary Science

    The desert planet in ‘Dune’ is plausible, according to science

    Humans could live on the fictional planet Arrakis from Dune but (thankfully) no giant sandworms would menace them.

  9. Animals

    Why do some lizards and snakes have horns?

    These reptiles’ horns can be an asset or a liability. A new study looks at the evolutionary roots of this wild headgear.

  10. Chemistry

    Here’s how tardigrades go into suspended animation

    A new study offers more clues about the role of oxidation in signaling transitions between alive and mostly dead in tardigrades.

  11. Life

    Ants may be the first known insects ensnared in plastic pollution

    At this point, it’s unclear whether this type of trash harms insects, but the discovery highlights the ubiquity of plastic pollution in the wild.

  12. Neuroscience

    Ancient viruses helped speedy nerves evolve

    A retrovirus embedded in the DNA of some vertebrates helps turn on production of a protein needed to insulate nerve cells, aiding speedy thoughts.
