Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Earth’s oldest known earthquake was probably triggered by plate tectonics

    Billion-year-old rocks in South Africa hold evidence for the onset of plate tectonics early in Earth’s history.

  2. Paleontology

    How did an ancient shark parasite end up fossilized in tree resin?

    A worm preserved in 99-million-year-old amber resembles modern flatworms in shark intestines. The rare finding has scientists stumped.

  3. Paleontology

    Stunning trilobite fossils include soft tissues never seen before

    Well-preserved fossils from Morocco help paleontologists understand the weird way trilobites ate and perhaps why these iconic animals went extinct.

  4. Planetary Science

    Our picture of habitability on Europa, a top contender for hosting life, is changing

    The moon of Jupiter is considered one of the most promising places to look for life, but its subsurface ocean may be less habitable than once thought.

  5. Space

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope could help solve these 5 exoplanet puzzles

    A lot of people are focused on signs of alien life, but the space telescope will have a lot to say about exoplanet geology and formation.

  6. Planetary Science

    Venus might be as volcanically active as Earth

    Data from NASA’s Magellan spacecraft suggest that volcanic activity is widespread on Venus.

  7. Environment

    Federally unprotected streams contribute most of the water to U.S. rivers

    A 2023 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that ephemeral streams aren’t protected by the Clean Water Act could have sizable ripple effects, a study suggests.

  8. Planetary Science

    Salt may have carved out Mercury’s terrains, including glacierlike features

    Mercury may contain a planetwide cache of salt that has sculpted chaotic terrain and possibly even habitable niches.

  9. Space

    50 years ago, scientists found a lunar rock nearly as old as the moon

    Studies of such rocks continue to reveal secrets about the moon’s history.

  10. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon might contain a hidden ocean

    A fresh look at Cassini data reveals slight changes in the tiny moon’s orbit that suggest the presence of a vast ocean beneath the satellite’s icy shell.

  11. Earth

    Where are U.S. earthquakes most likely? A new map shows the hazard risks

    Updates to the National Seismic Hazard Model have elevated the average ground shaking hazard across the country.

  12. Planetary Science

    An asteroid may have exploded over Antarctica about 2.5 million years ago

    Tiny spherules of rock found in Antarctic ice may point to the oldest known “airburst,” or midair disintegration of an incoming asteroid.
