Search Results for: Lions

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1,308 results
  1. Animals

    Maneless lions live one guy per pride

    The male lions of Tsavo National Park don't grow manes but they're no wimps—they're the only male lions found so far that rule big prides of females alone, without help from some buddies.

  2. Earth

    Algae Turn Fish into a Lethal Lunch

    Scientists demonstrated that some marine mammals have died from eating fish tainted with a neurotoxic diatom.

  3. Physics

    Identity Check: Elusive neutrinos morph on Earth, as in space

    Strengthening a challenge to the prevailing theory of particle physics, measurements of elusive particles called antineutrinos from nuclear reactors suggest that no neutrino types, be they matter or antimatter, have stable identities.

  4. Humans

    From the March 4, 1933, issue

    FISH OF DIFFERENT “FEATHER” OFTEN FLOCK TOGETHER Game herds of the African veldt have long been a marvel to travelers because of the extraordinary variety of animals seen together: zebras, gnus, antelope of many species, even elephants and ostriches, mingling in a wonderful patchwork quilt of moving life. Only lions and other predators are outsiders […]

  5. Do oxpeckers help or mostly just freeload?

    A textbook example of mutualism—birds that ride around picking ticks off big African mammals—may not be mutually beneficial at all.

  6. Humans

    From the October 15, 1932, issue

    THE SABER-TOOTH STRIKES The artist has made a sketch of a dramatic scene involving a horselike hornless rhinoceros. It shows the poor animal attacked by a long-tailed saber-toothed tiger. The great cat is pictured as attacking much as a modern tiger or lion sometimes attacks: gripping a hard hold with its forelegs, slashing at its […]

  7. Astronomy

    Spacecraft sounds out the sun’s hidden half

    By detecting sound waves that have traveled through the sun, two physicists have for the first time found a way to view disturbances on the sun's hidden half, providing a glimpse of stormy weather patterns a week to 10 days before they come into view.

  8. Physics

    Electrons grab unexpected energy share

    When atoms or molecules react with a metal surface, even briefly, they can inject much more energy into surface electrons than previously realized.

  9. Physics

    Loud Loop: New explanation of whip-snapping unfurls

    The wake of a loop zooming along a whip may silence the faster-moving tip so the loop actually causes the whip's loud bang.

  10. Math

    Sand Drawings and Mirror Curves

    To accompany the telling of a story or recounting of a fable, men of the Chokwe people in south-central Africa traditionally made sand drawings, called sona, to illustrate the tale. These highly stylized geometric illustrations also served as memory aids. Sand drawing. Paulus Gerdes Plaited mat designs. Mark Schlatter Lion’s stomach design. Mark Schlatter Example […]

  11. Ecosystems

    Move over, Leo. Give me more elbow room

    The average size of the largest land animals on each of 25 oceanic islands and five continents strongly depends on the land area there.

  12. Paleontology

    Ancient Whodunit: Scientists indict wee suspects in ancient deaths

    Evidence locked in 180,000-year-old sediments suggests that a toxic algae bloom was the cause of death for a large group of mammals that were fossilized intact on an ancient lake bottom.
