Search Results for: Ants

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1,562 results
  1. Book Review: Anthill: A Novel by E.O. Wilson

    Review by Susan Milius.

  2. Science From On High

    Google Earth gives researchers new access.

  3. Adventures Among Ants: A Global Safari With a Cast of Trillions by Mark W. Moffett

    A biologist and photographer (who earned his Ph.D. under E.O. Wilson) captures the hidden worlds of ants. ADVENTURES AMONG ANTS: A GLOBAL SAFARI WITH A CAST OF TRILLIONS BY MARK W. MOFFETT University of California Press, 2010, 280 p., $29.95.

  4. Life

    Carnivorous bladderworts suck up prey

    High-speed movies confirm that bug-eating plants are vacuum feeders.

  5. Cosmic dioramas

    Metamaterials may offer windows into other worlds.

  6. Basic research generates jobs and competitiveness

    Trained as a mechanical engineer in India, Subra Suresh researched the interfaces between engineering, biology and materials science before becoming dean of engineering at MIT and, as of October, director of the U.S. National Science Foundation. In February in Washington, D.C., at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Suresh […]

  7. Life

    Robins reject red glowing grub

    Parasitic worms induce a color change in their caterpillar victims that's literally repulsive to predators.

  8. Chemistry

    Twisted rules of chemistry explained

    A theorist uses quantum mechanics to explain why Möbius molecules have different numbers of electrons than standard rings.

  9. Life

    Feud over family ties in evolution

    Prominent scientists dispute kinship’s role in self-sacrifice among highly social creatures.

  10. Animals

    SOS: Call the ants

    Emergency ant workers bite at snares, dig and tug to free trapped sisters

  11. Physics

    Invisibility cloaks hit the big time

    Using natural crystals, researchers have found a way to make objects up to a few millimeters tall disappear.

  12. Life

    Old amoebas spawn their farms

    Some slime molds use a simple form of agriculture to ensure a steady food supply.
