Search Results for: Amphibians

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726 results
  1. Earth

    Save the frogs

    Researchers have drafted a proposed $400 million research-and-rescue plan for the world's amphibians, at least half of which are in decline or even facing serious risk of extinction.

  2. Animals

    Just turn your back, Mom

    A female in a species of legless amphibians called caecilians nourishes her youngsters by letting them eat the skin off her back.

  3. Earth

    Species-aid budget looks fishy

    State and federal governments spent $1.4 billion in 2004 on conserving endangered and threatened species, with one-third of that sum going to protect fish.

  4. Animals

    Can You Hear Me Now? Frogs in roaring streams use ultrasonic calls

    A small frog living beside Chinese hot springs may be the first amphibian known to use ultrasound in its calls.

  5. Sleeper Finding: Hormone key to hibernation?

    A recently discovered hormone may play a major role in triggering and maintaining hibernation.

  6. Wildlife Finder

    For a sofa safari, type in a location somewhere on the planet (by city, country, or even zip code) and see what kinds of natural habitat lie nearby. Created by the World Wildlife Federation, this Web site generates a list of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles reported in that type of habitat and links them […]

  7. Animal Skulls

    High school biology teacher DeLoy Roberts and his students have, over the years, assembled a large collection of animal skulls. This Web site provides dramatic images of the skulls, ranging, for example, from the armadillo to the wood rat among the mammals. Various birds, fish, sharks, reptiles, amphibians, and crustaceans are also represented. Go to: […]

  8. Agriculture

    Farm Fresh Pesticides

    For people who live near croplands, traces of agricultural chemicals can find their way into homes by hitchhiking on windblown dust.

  9. Earth

    Ozone saps toads’ immune systems

    In amphibians, ozone damages immune function in the lungs, suggesting a possible new contributor to worldwide amphibian declines.

  10. Animals

    Pirates of the Amphibian: Males fertilize eggs of another guy’s gal

    For the first time among amphibians, scientists have found frogs that sneak their sperm onto egg clutches left by another mating pair.

  11. Ecosystems

    Light All Night

    New digital images demonstrate that artificial light from urban areas penetrates deep into some of America's most remote wild places, where it may disrupt ecosystems that have evolved with a nightly quota of darkness.

  12. Animals

    He Clones, She Clones: Dad, mom ants as different species

    In the little fire ant, males and queens clone themselves, the closest science has gotten to declaring males and females as separate species.
