Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,657 results
  1. Psychology

    Quantity counts for baboons

    Counting-like logic helps baboons track and compare accumulating sets of peanuts.

  2. Life

    The Monkey’s Voyage

    By 26 million years ago, the ancestors of today’s New World monkeys had arrived in South America. How those primates reached the continent is something of a conundrum.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Rapid spread of Zika virus in the Americas raises alarm

    After blazing through Brazil, a mosquito-borne virus called Zika, which may cause birth defects, is now poised to jump to the United States.

  4. Health & Medicine

    New techniques regrow lens, cornea tissue

    Preliminary stem cell discoveries may restore lenses and corneas.

  5. Genetics

    Gene editing makes pigs safer for human transplants

    CRISPR/Cas9 disables multiple viruses at one time

  6. Ecosystems

    When animals invade human spaces

    ‘Feral Cities’ explores the wildlife living amongst us, sometimes noticed and sometimes not.

  7. Animals

    Male monkeys’ social bonds may ease everyday stress

    When male primates live in groups with other males, they tend to fight over females. But male-male bonding can reduce stress, a study finds.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Mom’s weight during pregnancy shapes baby’s health

    Obesity at conception or during pregnancy is a big problem that's getting bigger: New evidence says a child's mental health could be at stake.

  9. Neuroscience

    PET scans hint at brain’s reorganization after injury

    Imaging monkeys’ brains after strokelike injury is giving scientists clues to how neurons reorganize themselves so the animals can move again.

  10. Life

    Test drug stops Marburg virus in monkeys

    Using a nano-size piece of RNA, scientists have stopped Marburg virus in monkeys.

  11. Animals

    Boa suffocation is merely myth

    Boa constrictors don’t suffocate prey; they block blood flow, says a new study that shatters a common myth about the snakes.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Two-part vaccine protects monkeys from Ebola

    An experimental vaccine protected macaques from infection with the Ebola virus up to 10 months after receiving the two-shot regimen.
