Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Science & Society

    Here are Science News’ favorite science books of 2019

    Books about multiple universes, Apollo 11, animal emotions and the origins of popular foods made the list.

  2. Planetary Science

    The latest picture of Ultima Thule reveals a remarkably smooth face

    Kuiper Belt object MU69, nicknamed Ultima Thule, is largely unmarred by impact craters, suggesting the Kuiper Belt might lack small objects.

  3. Archaeology

    Ancient Angkor’s mysterious decline may have been slow, not sudden

    Analyzing sediment from the massive city’s moat challenges the idea that the last capital of the Khmer Empire collapsed suddenly.

  4. Animals

    Vaccines may help bats fight white nose syndrome

    Researchers are developing an oral vaccine that helps little brown bats survive the fungal disease white nose syndrome.

  5. Humans

    A 3.8-million-year-old skull reveals the face of Lucy’s possible ancestors

    A fossilized hominid skull found in an Ethiopian desert illuminates the earliest-known Australopithecus species.

  6. Earth

    You’re living in a new geologic age. It’s called the Meghalayan

    The newly defined Meghalayan Age began at the same time as a global, climate-driven event that led to human upheavals.

  7. Climate

    Dueling dates for a huge eruption reignite the debate over dinosaurs’ death

    New dating techniques for the Deccan Traps volcanic eruptions disagree on whether they were the main culprit in the dinosaurs’ demise.

  8. Climate

    Cold War–era spy satellite images show Himalayan glaciers are melting fast

    Declassified spy satellite photographs reveal that glacier melt in the Himalayas has sped up dramatically in the last two decades.

  9. Earth

    Is a long-dormant Russian volcano waking up? It’s complicated

    Scientists debate how to interpret seismic activity near Bolshaya Udina on the remote Kamchatka Peninsula.

  10. Science & Society

    Celebrating scientists who ask big questions

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses scientists who are asking important questions for society.

  11. Chemistry

    The development of the lithium-ion battery has won the chemistry Nobel Prize

    Three scientists have won the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry for helping create lithium-ion batteries, which power everyday devices from smartphones to electric cars.

  12. Earth

    These tiny, crackly bubbles are a new type of volcanic ash

    Scientists have identified a new type of volcanic ash made up of millimeter-long spheres with a crackled surface.
