Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    An immune system quirk may help anglerfish fuse with mates during sex

    Deep-sea anglerfish that fuse to mate lack genes involved in the body’s response against pathogens or foreign tissue.

  2. Environment

    Plastics are showing up in the world’s most remote places, including Mount Everest

    From the snow on Mount Everest to the guts of critters in the Mariana Trench, tiny fragments called microplastics are almost everywhere.

  3. Animals

    Pufferfish may be carving mysterious ‘crop circles’ near Australia

    In 2011, scientists discovered that tiny pufferfish were sculpting Japan’s underwater “mystery circles.” Now, more circles have emerged in Australia.

  4. Life

    A glowing zebrafish wins the 2020 Nikon Small World photography contest

    The annual competition features snapshots that use microscopy to reveal some of Earth’s smallest hidden marvels.

  5. Earth

    Mixing trees and crops can help both farmers and the climate

    Agriculture is a major driver of climate change and biodiversity loss. But integrating trees into farming practices can boost food production, store carbon and save species.

  6. Animals

    A surprisingly tiny ancient sea monster lurked in shallow waters

    Scientists have found a new species of marine reptiles called nothosaurs from around 240 million years ago.

  7. Animals

    A toxin behind mysterious eagle die-offs may have finally been found

    A 20-year study of water weeds and cyanobacteria in the southern United States pinpoints a bird-killing toxin, and it's not your usual suspect.

  8. Particle Physics

    How particle detectors capture matter’s hidden, beautiful reality

    Old and new detectors trace the whirling paths of subatomic particles.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Rogue immune system reactions hint at an early treatment for COVID-19

    A comprehensive look at the immune system shows multiple ways it misfires in COVID-19. Treating with interferon early might prevent trouble later.

  10. Oceans

    Species may swim thousands of kilometers to escape ocean heat waves

    A new analysis of ocean heat waves shows latitude matters when it comes to how far fish and other sea species must go to find cooler waters.

  11. Materials that made us

    From our homes and cities to our electronics and clothing, the stuff of daily life is dramatically different from decades ago.

  12. Environment

    How planting 70 million eelgrass seeds led to an ecosystem’s rapid recovery

    The study is a blueprint for restoration efforts that capitalize on seagrass habitats’ capacity to store carbon and that can be replicated elsewhere.
