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6,745 results
  1. Humans

    Archaeologists tie ancient bones to a revolt chronicled on the Rosetta Stone

    The skeleton of an ancient soldier found in the Nile Delta provides a rare glimpse into an uprising around 2,200 years ago.

  2. Animals

    5 reasons you might be seeing more wildlife during the COVID-19 pandemic

    From rats and coyotes in the streets to birds in the trees, people are noticing more animals than ever during the time of the coronavirus.

  3. Paleontology

    ‘Wonderchicken’ is the earliest known modern bird at nearly 67 million years old

    A new fossil find, dubbed the Wonderchicken, is a common ancestor of modern ducks and chickens.

  4. Earth

    What’s behind August 2020’s extreme weather? Climate change and bad luck

    On top of a pandemic, the United States is having an epic weather year — a combination of bad luck and a stage set by a warming climate.

  5. Life

    How African turquoise killifish press the pause button on aging

    The fish’s embryos can enter a state of suspended growth to survive dry spells. A study shows that state protects them from aging, and hints at how.

  6. Archaeology

    New cave fossils have revived the debate over Neandertal burials

    Part of a Neandertal’s skeleton was found in a hole dug in the same cave in Iraqi Kurdistan where the “flower burial” was found in 1960.

  7. Archaeology

    A toe bone hints that Neandertals used eagle talons as jewelry

    An ancient eagle toe bone elevates the case for the use of symbolic bird-of-prey pendants among Neandertals, researchers say.

  8. Paleontology

    Small ‘cousins’ of T. rex may actually have been growing teenagers

    Fossil analyses suggest that Nanotyrannus wasn’t a diminutive relative of the more famous behemoth Tyrannosaurus rex.

  9. Animals

    ‘Epic Yellowstone’ captures the thriving ecosystem of the world-famous park

    A new documentary series about Yellowstone displays the dynamic, dramatic and exciting ecosystem that thrives within the park’s gates.

  10. Space

    Realigning magnetic fields may drive the sun’s spiky plasma tendrils

    Solar spicules emerge near counterpointing magnetic fields, hinting that self-adjusting magnetism creates these filaments, which may heat the corona.

  11. Life

    Aye-ayes just got weirder with the discovery of a tiny, sixth ‘finger’

    Aye-ayes have a sixth “finger,” or pseudothumb, that may compensate for other, overspecialized fingers by helping the lemurs grip things.

  12. Oceans

    Noise pollution from ships may scare Arctic cod from feeding grounds

    Melting Arctic sea ice is opening up northern waters to increased shipping, and the vessel noise is taking a toll on Arctic cod.
