Search Results for: Invertebrate

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698 results
  1. As the worms churn

    Burrowing animals mix soil and sediments, shaping the environment and scientists’ understanding of it.

  2. Life

    Enter the Virosphere

    As evidence of the influence of viruses escalates, appreciation of these master manipulators grows.

  3. Life

    A honeybee tells two from three

    Honeybees can generalize about numbers, at least up to three, a new study reports.

  4. Smart from the start

    Animal embryos get some respect for their survival skills.

  5. Earth

    Marine pollution spawns ‘wonky babies’

    Featured blog: Pollutants at sea can slow critters' sperm or induce DNA damage.

  6. 19920

    There is already a Web site that also aims to answer “What’s in my backyard?” At, David Stang has assembled close to 3 million pages of information (one species per page) based on more than 37 million field observations that include latitude and longitude. Taxonomic information is provided, and there are more than 250,000 […]

  7. Ecosystems

    Exxon Valdez: Tidal waters still troubled

    From birds and clams to herring, many species continue to show persistent impacts of an oil spill that occurred two decades ago.

  8. Life

    Seeing without eyes

    Scientists are looking into the cellular pathways that allow an eyeless roundworm to see.

  9. Animals

    The naming of the elephant-shrew

    A new species of giant elephant-shrew, small bounding forest dwellers very distantly related to elephants, has been discovered in Tanzania. With video.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the March 29, 2008, issue of Science News

    Why switch to grass? Regarding “Switchgrass may yield biofuel bounty” (SN: 1/19/08, p. 46): Distilleries have been around since the dawn of time, including barleycorn (whiskey), maize (whiskey), potatoes (vodka), sugarcane (rum), and arcane brews distilled from beets, bread crumbs, and bamboo. The ethanol molecule cares not one wit about its particular provenance, so what […]

  11. Animals

    Love Code: A twist of light only mantis shrimp can see

    Alone in the animal kingdom, these crustaceans signal their presence to potential mates with circularly polarized light.

  12. Share Alike: Genes from bacteria found in animals

    Bacteria swap genes all the time, but it now appears that they can give their DNA to some animals as well.
