Search Results for: Amphibians

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726 results
  1. Life

    Female frogs play the field

    A female frog insures a safe home for her young by mating with many males.

  2. Animals

    Antibiotic Alligator: Promising proteins lurk in reptile blood

    Scientists are zeroing in on alligator blood proteins that show promise for fighting disease-causing microbes.

  3. Life

    Protect biodiversity hot spots and the rest will follow

  4. Animals

    Live fast, die young

    With a lifespan of just five months, the chameleon Furcifer labordi leads a briefer life than any other land-dwelling vertebrate.

  5. Paleontology

    The first matrushka

    A newly found fossil preserves one creature inside another that lies nestled inside yet another, a Paleozoic version of the Russian nesting dolls known as matrushkas.

  6. Tadpole Slayer: Mystery epidemic imperils frogs

    An emerging protozoal disease has begun to trigger mass die-offs of frog tadpoles throughout much of the United States.

  7. Earth

    A New Would-Be Hormone in Water

    Nitrate, a common pollutant, may also perturb reproductive hormones—at least in frogs.

  8. Life

    Compass creatures

    Herds of grazing and resting deer and cattle tend to align themselves with the Earth’s magnetic field, a hint that the large mammals can somehow sense the invisible field.

  9. Life

    Frog builds toes, then legs

    A small frog appears to jump-start its skeletal development, turning on genes for building feet and toes before bothering to build its legs.

  10. Animals

    Not-OK Coral

    First big species audit finds coral extinction risks severely under-reported

  11. Ecosystems

    Fish Houses

    Tanked half-way houses allow people and fish to get acquainted on their own terms — and exhibit their individual personalities.

  12. Life

    Just ain’t natural

    Monster data crunch strengthens case that climate is disrupted.
