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3,844 results
  1. Genetics

    No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

    Scientists took conspiracy theories seriously and analyzed the coronavirus to reveal its natural origins.

  2. Science & Society

    Past plagues offer lessons for society after the coronavirus pandemic

    Starting with the Roman Empire, societies have often dealt resiliently with deadly pandemics.

  3. General relativity reshaped our universe

    Our cosmos is home to space-bending beasts, dramatic collisions and mysterious forces.

  4. Shaking up Earth

    Plate tectonics explained geologic wonders and natural hazards – and sparked questions about past and future life.

  5. Plants

    ‘Slime’ shows how algae have shaped our climate, evolution and daily lives

    The new book ‘Slime’ makes the case that algae deserve to be celebrated.

  6. Animals

    ‘Skeleton Keys’ unlocks the history and mysteries of bones

    From fish to dinosaurs to King Richard III, ‘Skeleton Keys’ surveys the scientific and cultural history of bones.

  7. Health & Medicine

    In ‘The Perfect Predator,’ viruses vanquish a deadly superbug

    In ‘The Perfect Predator,’ an epidemiologist recounts the battle to save her husband from an antibiotic-resistant infection.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Two new books explore the science and history of the 1918 flu pandemic

    One-hundred years after the Spanish flu, ‘Pandemic 1918’ and ‘Influenza’ provide a new look at the global outbreak.

  9. Climate

    What lifestyle changes will shrink your carbon footprint the most?

    You can reduce your carbon emissions, but the most influential changes will depend on your circumstances.

  10. Animals

    ‘Mama’s Last Hug’ showcases the emotional lives of animals

    In ‘Mama’s Last Hug,’ Frans de Waal argues that emotions occur throughout the animal world.

  11. Quantum Physics

    To live up to the hype, quantum computers must repair their error problems

    Before quantum computers can reach their potential, scientists will need to master quantum error correction.

  12. Archaeology

    ‘Fruit from the Sands’ explores the Silk Road origins of apples, tea and more

    A new book explains how many of today’s popular foods got started on Central Asia’s ancient Silk Road trade networks.
