Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Animals

    Rock-wielding monkeys make adjustments when cracking nuts

    Videos show that monkeys carefully pound open nuts to avoid smashing kernels inside.

  2. Life

    Alison Jolly’s last book chronicles efforts to save lemurs

    In ‘Thank You, Madagascar,’ primatologist Alison Jolly, who spent decades studying lemurs, provides an insider’s account of the struggles that conservationists face.

  3. Animals

    Male monkeys’ social bonds may ease everyday stress

    When male primates live in groups with other males, they tend to fight over females. But male-male bonding can reduce stress, a study finds.

  4. Animals

    Seeing humans as superpredators

    People have become a unique predator, hunting mostly adults of other species.

  5. Tech

    Nanoparticles beat back atherosclerosis

    Nanoparticles that find and destroy waxy plaques in blood vessels could be the next big treatment for heart disease.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Vaccines could counter addictive opioids

    Scientists turn to vaccines to curb the growing opioid epidemic.

  7. Animals

    Lemurs expected to lose much of their ranges this century

    As the climate warms, Madagascar’s little primates will lose habitat, threatening some with extinction.

  8. Life

    A healthy old age may trump immortality

    Despite disagreements about what aging is and isn't, scientists have reached a radical consensus: It can be delayed.

  9. Animals

    Lemurs aren’t pets

    The first survey of lemur ownership in Madagascar finds that thousands of the rare primates are held in households.

  10. Life

    Study finds lack of evidence for infanticide link to monogamy

    A new study contradicts idea that the rise of infanticide among mammals drove the evolution of monogamy.

  11. Animals

    Apes do the darndest things

    Several chimp behaviors have researchers wondering if apes are a good model for early hominid life.

  12. Paleontology

    Hippo history extracted from fossil teeth found in Kenya

    Fossilized teeth from the newly identified Epirigenys lokonensis, an ancestor of the hippopotamus, are filling in some of the mammoth mammal’s history.
