Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Animals

    Dog DNA study maps breeds across the world

    Here are five findings from a massive study of dog breed genomes.

  2. Animals

    This ancient marsupial lion had an early version of ‘bolt-cutter’ teeth

    Extinct dog-sized predator crunched with unusual slicers toward the back of its jaw.

  3. Animals

    Here’s yet more evidence that the mythical yeti was probably a bear

    A more complete genetic analysis amps up the evidence that the legendary creatures known as yetis are actually bears.

  4. Genetics

    DNA evidence is rewriting domestication origin stories

    DNA studies are rewriting the how-we-met stories of domestication.

  5. Animals

    Dogs form memories of experiences

    New experiments suggest that dogs have some version of episodic memory, allowing them to recall specific experiences.

  6. Environment

    Engineers are plugging holes in drinking water treatment

    Drinking water quality has come a long way in the past hundred years — but challenges remain.

  7. Animals

    Nature has a dog problem

    Free-roaming dogs spread disease, kill wildlife by the thousands and have even caused extinctions. But their full effect on the environment has been little studied.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Readers concerned about cancer’s sugary disguise

    Tricky cancer cells, brain-shaping smartphones, a cow-burying badger and more in reader feedback.

  9. Genetics

    Darwin’s Dogs wants your dog’s DNA

    The Darwin’s Dogs citizen science project is collecting canine DNA to better understand dog genetics and behavior.

  10. Science & Society

    Fox experiment is replaying domestication in fast-forward

    How to Tame a Fox recounts a nearly 60-year experiment in Russia to domesticate silver foxes.

  11. Genetics

    Baby macaques are the first primates to be cloned like Dolly the Sheep

    Scientists have cloned two baby macaque monkeys with the same technique used to clone Dolly. The research could help advance the cloning of other species.

  12. Genetics

    Special report: Genetic testing goes mainstream

    Consumer genetic tests may not tell customers that much about themselves. Science News delves into these tests in a multipart series.
