Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Paleontology

    Bony head ornaments signal some supersized dinosaurs

    Bony headwear, like bumps and horns, is tied to bigger bodies in the theropod dinosaur family tree.

  2. Paleontology

    Baby dinosaurs took three to six months to hatch

    Growth lines on teeth indicate a surprisingly long incubation period.

  3. Paleontology

    Dragon dinosaur met a muddy end

    ‘Mud dragon’ fossil discovered in China suggests that dinosaurs’ last days were an active time of evolution.

  4. Paleontology

    T. rex’s silly-looking arms were built for slashing

    Tyrannosaurus rex may have used its small arms for slashing prey.

  5. Paleontology

    Under lasers, a feathered dino shows some skin

    Laser-stimulated fluorescence reveals detailed images of soft tissue in a feathered dinosaur from 160 million years ago.

  6. Paleontology

    Dinosaurs may have used color as camouflage

    Fossilized pigments could paint a vivid picture of a dinosaur’s life.

  7. Earth

    Dual magma plumes fueled volcanic eruptions during final days of dinosaurs

    Two magma plumes fueled the Deccan volcanic eruptions around the time of the dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago.

  8. Animals

    Petite parrots provide insight into early flight

    High-speed video shows that tiny parrots direct their hops to use the least amount of energy necessary.

  9. Paleontology

    New tyrannosaur had a sensitive side

    Tyrannosaurs may have had sensitive snouts that detected temperature and touch.

  10. Animals

    Endings make way for new beginnings for Earth and SN

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses major changes for life on Earth and at Science News.

  11. Genetics

    Resurrecting extinct species raises ethical questions

    'Rise of the Necrofauna' examines the technical and ethical challenges of bringing woolly mammoths and other long-gone creatures back from the dead.

  12. Science & Society

    ‘Specimens’ goes behind the scenes of Chicago’s Field Museum

    The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago puts seldom-seen specimens on display in a new exhibit to highlight the crucial role of museum objects in scientific research.
