Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Chimpanzees die from primate version of HIV

    A new study links the simian immunodeficiency virus to serious AIDS-like illness in a wild population.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Targeting microRNA knocks out hepatitis C

    Blocking a small molecule, a new drug reduces levels of the virus, chimp study shows.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine for Marburg virus passes monkey test

    Tests suggest that the lethal hemorrhagic virus can be stopped if countered soon after exposure.

  4. Anthropology

    Lucy fossil gets jolted upright by Big Man

    Scientists have unearthed a 3.6-million-year-old partial hominid skeleton that may recast the iconic species as humanlike walkers.

  5. Archaeology

    Lucy’s kind used stone tools to butcher animals

    Animal bones found in East Africa show the oldest signs of stone-tool use and meat eating by hominids.

  6. Humans

    Partial skeleton gives ancient hominids a new look

    African hominid fossils, including a partial skeleton, reveal a surprising mix of features suitable for upright walking and tree climbing 4.4 million years ago.

  7. Anthropology

    Ancient footprints yield oldest signs of upright gait

    Human ancestors may have been walking with an efficient, extended-leg technique by 3.6 million years ago.

  8. Life

    Hawaiian caterpillars are first known amphibious insects

    Developing underwater or above, it’s all good for moths that evolved new lifestyle in the islands

  9. Anthropology

    Partial skeletons may represent new hominid

    Partial skeletons may represent a new hominid species with implications for Homo origins, one researcher claims. But many of his peers disagree.

  10. Life

    Genetic effects suggest FOXP2 role in language evolution

    Human version of the protein alters activity of 116 genes compared with the chimp version.

  11. Life

    Duplication in genomes may separate humans from apes

    A sudden peak in duplication of chunks of DNA in the common ancestor of humans, chimps and gorillas led to genetic flexibility, which created differences among the species.

  12. Humans

    Ancient DNA suggests new hominid line

    Genetic data unveil a previously unknown Stone Age ancestor in central Asia.
