Search Results for: mars mission

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1,004 results
  1. Planetary Science

    Martian aurora, high-altitude dust clouds surprise scientists

    Surprise auroras and mystery dust clouds dance in the Martian atmosphere, NASA’s newest Mars orbiter discovers.

  2. Astronomy

    Readers tussle over top science stories of 2015

    Readers tussle over the top spot in our top 25, questions about engineered vocal cords, and more in the February 20 Feedback.

  3. Planetary Science

    Before moon landings, scientists thought dust or crust might disrupt touchdown

    Moon dust didn’t swallow spacecraft as was suggested in the 1960s. Successful exploration since that has changed our view of the moon.

  4. Psychology

    Rigors of Mars trip make teamwork a priority

    It’s going to take a different kind of mental approach to travel to Mars and back: less individuality, more collaboration and adaptability. Astronauts are being tested to prepare for such a mission.

  5. Planetary Science

    Year in review: Business booming on Mars

    Mars now has seven robots studying it and together they have given scientists their best view of any planet in the solar system other than Earth.

  6. Science & Society

    Asteroids closer to home may get us to Mars

    NASA should abandon its attempt to bring a space rock into lunar orbit and instead scrutinize ones already whizzing by Earth, one scientist argues.

  7. Planetary Science

    Space simulations of 1960s focused on survival

    50 years ago, space simulations focused on survival. Now, quality of life is critical, too.

  8. Space

    Driving Curiosity to discovery

    Discovery is driven by curiosity, on Mars and closer to home.

  9. Planetary Science

    ‘Mars Rover Curiosity’ chronicles robot’s journey

    Engineer Rob Manning recounts the decade of victories and setbacks that preceded Curiosity’s landing on Mars.

  10. Planetary Science

    NASA bets on asteroid mission as best path to Mars

    NASA wants to bag an asteroid using robotic arms or an enormous sack and place the rock in the moon’s orbit for study. This may keep astronauts working but not, as NASA claims, get them Mars-ready.

  11. Planetary Science

    Setting sights on Mars — a half-century ago

    Fifty years ago, the United States turned its eyes toward Mars and set a goal of sending humans as soon as possible.

  12. Planetary Science

    Rover finds methane in Mars air, organics in rocks

    NASA’s Curiosity rover has found organic molecules on Mars, but scientists can’t say whether they are a sign of life on the Red Planet.
