Search Results for: Sharks

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773 results
  1. Life

    Parenthood: Male sharks need not apply

    A second case of a virgin shark birth suggests some female sharks may be able to reproduce without males.

  2. Chemistry

    2009 Science News of the Year: Molecules

    Tangles of collagen IV chains link at globules via sulfur-nitrogen bonding (illustrated above). Credit: Courtesy of Science/AAAS New bond in the basementBasements house hidden treasures — including a chemical bond never before seen in living things. Scientists have discovered that collagen fibers in the basement membrane — a tough, structural layer of cells that surrounds […]

  3. Science Past from the issue of June 6, 1959

    Space Flight Succeeds — Two little monkeys, one clad in a space suit and the other lying in a special capsule with her knees drawn up under her, were blasted 300 miles into space on Thursday, May 28, from Cape Canaveral, Fla., the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has revealed. Drama of the experiment was […]

  4. Earth

    Studies aim to resolve confusion over mercury risks from fish

    Several new papers suggest strategies by which American diners can negotiate a mercury minefield to tap dietary benefits in fish.

  5. Life

    Briny deep basin may be home to animals thriving without oxygen

    Creatures living deep in the Mediterranean without oxygen would be a remarkable first, biologists say.

  6. Paleontology

    Ancient fish with killer bite

    Dunkleosteus clamped down on prey with three-quarters-of-a-ton bite force.

  7. Animals

    Dolphins wield tools of the sea

    A long-term study of dolphins living off Australia’s coast finds that a small number of them, mostly females, frequently use sea sponges to forage for fish on the ocean floor.

  8. Animals

    Great spots for white sharks

    The great white sharks of the eastern Pacific may be genetically isolated from the world's other white sharks, and tagging data reveal that the animals stick to specific routes and destinations.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Genome 10K: A new ark

    Featured blog: Researchers are working to catalog the DNA sequences of just about every vertebrate genus.

  10. Letters

    Why good looks look good The article “It’s written all over your face” (SN: 1/17/09, p. 24) made me recall another article (a couple of years ago, I think!) describing the work of researchers investigating an apparent human, obsessive need to identify patterns in our environment. The scientists studied stockbrokers with and without a specific […]

  11. Ecosystems

    Fish Houses

    Tanked half-way houses allow people and fish to get acquainted on their own terms — and exhibit their individual personalities.

  12. Earth

    Monster stingrays: Field notes from a global wrangler

    A megafish biologist shares what he's learning about a rare freshwater species.
