Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Virus closely related to hepatitis A discovered in seals

    Scientists have discovered a relative of the hepatitis A virus in seals.

  2. Health & Medicine

    This week in Zika: Haiti hit early, possible monkey hosts, and more

    A new test for Zika, how Haiti fits into the outbreak timeline, a look at monkeys that can carry the virus, and more in this week’s Zika Watch.

  3. Anthropology

    Minutes after encountering danger, lemurs yawn

    Madagascar primates yawn within minutes of encountering threats.

  4. Animals

    Chimps get buzzed on fermented tree sap

    Scientists have documented the first case of chimpanzees drinking ethanol in the wild.

  5. Life

    Women blush when ovulating, and it doesn’t matter a bit

    Women don’t signal their fertility in obvious ways like nonhuman primates. A new study shows that even skin flushes are too subtle to detect.

  6. Paleontology

    Monkeys reached Americas about 36 million years ago

    Peruvian fossils suggest ancient African primates somehow crossed the Atlantic Ocean and gave rise to South American monkeys.

  7. Animals

    Lemurs chat only with their best friends

    Ring-tailed lemurs maintain friendships built with grooming by calling to each other, a new study finds.

  8. Animals

    Invasive toads will probably overrun Madagascar

    A new report finds that eradicating invasive Asian toads before they overtake all of Madagascar is “not currently feasible.”

  9. Paleontology

    12 amazing fossil finds of 2015

    From an ancient sponge ancestor to the Carolina Butcher, scientists learned a lot about life on Earth this year.

  10. Animals

    Inside the roaring sex lives of howler monkeys

    Listening to the intense roars of howler monkeys in Mexico inspired scientists to decipher how and why calls differ among species.

  11. Genetics

    Mountain gorilla genome reveals inbreeding

    Mountain gorillas are highly inbred, with good and bad consequences.

  12. Animals

    Gibbons have been disappearing from China for centuries

    Gibbons are now found in only a small area of southwestern China. But they once thrived across much of the country, records show.
