Search Results for: Invertebrate

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698 results
  1. Animals

    Acidification may halve coral class of 2050

    Already shown to be a threat to established reefs, experiments show that changing ocean chemistry also threatens the establishment and survival of larvae.

  2. Animals

    Sex, crickets and videotape

    Security cameras focused on insects in the wild are looking at whether lab science has gotten the singing, mating and fighting right.

  3. Animals

    A little climate change goes a long way in the tropics

    In hot places, even minor warming could rev up metabolism in animals that don’t generate their own heat, a new analysis suggests.

  4. Life

    An oceanic endeavor

    Marine census catalogs creatures that roam all corners of the seas.

  5. Earth

    Moby Dick meets Jaws

    A recently discovered fossil demonstrates that giant whales weren’t always as gentle as they are today.

  6. Letters

    Thinking animals An interesting article, but the question of human consciousness seems no closer to solution in “Humans wonder, anybody home?” by Susan Gaidos (SN: 12/19/09, p. 22) than it did in Julian Jaynes’ The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind of 1976. It seems to me that all the mental […]

  7. Letters

    Ancient graffiti Regarding “Graffiti on the walls in Pompeii” (SN: 01/30/10, p. 14), I remember reading some years ago about graffiti being discovered in Pompeii. There was even a symbol that researchers interpreted as a sort of “Kilroy was here.” Is this an on­going study? New sites? I wonder if there were other markings, such […]

  8. Anthropology

    Contested evidence pushes Ardi out of the woods

    A controversial new investigation suggests that the ancient hominid lived on savannas, not in forests.

  9. Paleontology

    Octopus origins

    After examining more than 90 new specimens of Nectocaris pteryx, paleontologists put it near the root of the cephalopod evolutionary tree.

  10. Humans wonder, anybody home?

    Brain structure and circuitry offer clues to consciousness in nonmammals.

  11. Life

    Briny deep basin may be home to animals thriving without oxygen

    Creatures living deep in the Mediterranean without oxygen would be a remarkable first, biologists say.

  12. Young’uns adrift on the sea

    Scientists try to identify and track elusive larvae in a boundless ocean.
