Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Paleontology

    ‘Baby Louie’ dinosaur identified as a new species

    A fossil embryo known as Baby Louie has been identified as a new species of dinosaur called Beibeilong sinensis.

  2. Earth

    Dino-dooming asteroid impact created a chilling sulfur cloud

    The Chicxulub impact spewed more sulfur than previously believed.

  3. Animals

    ‘Spying on Whales’ dives into the story of true leviathans

    "Spying on Whales" retraces the evolution of cetaceans, explaining how they came to be some of Earth’s largest creatures.

  4. Paleontology

    Oldest known lizard fossil pushes group’s origins back 75 million years

    CT scan reveals hidden identity of an unusual lizard fossil found years ago in the Italian Alps.

  5. Paleontology

    New dinosaur resurrects a demon from Ghostbusters

    The most complete skeleton of an ankylosaur shows an armored, club-tailed dinosaur with a head like a Ghostbusters demon.

  6. Paleontology

    This ancient creature looks like a spider with a tail

    A newly discovered ancient creature looks like a spider and has silk spinners and spidery male sex organs.

  7. Paleontology

    Anatomy analysis suggests new dinosaur family tree

    A new analysis rewrites the dinosaur family tree, splitting up long-recognized groups.

  8. Animals

    Jackpot of fossilized pterosaur eggs unearthed in China

    A treasure trove of pterosaur eggs and embryos gives tantalizing clues to the winged reptile’s early development.

  9. Earth

    Devastation detectives try to solve dinosaur disappearance

    Dinosaurs and others faced massive losses 66 million years ago from an asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions or maybe a mix of the two.

  10. Paleontology

    Early dinosaur relative sported odd mix of bird, crocodile-like traits

    Teleocrater rhadinus gives researchers a better picture of what early dinosaur relatives looked like.

  11. Paleontology

    Dinosaur tail preserved in amber, with feathers

    The tail of a dinosaur trapped in amber includes both feathers and identifiable bits of bone.

  12. Paleontology

    With dinosaurs out of the way, mammals had a chance to thrive

    The animals that lived through the great extinction event had a range of survival strategies to get them through.
