Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Life


    Stressed-out bird moms, apes’ memories, stick-wielding parrots and more in this week’s news.

  2. Life


    Chimps are righties and orangutans lefties, plus singing mice and chilly dinosaurs in this week's news.

  3. Humans

    Human ancestors have identity crisis

    Fossils heralded as the remains of 4- to 7-million-year-old hominids might actually come from apes.

  4. Humans

    Missing bits of DNA may define humans

    Genetic information lost along the way may have led to bigger brains and spineless penises, among other traits.

  5. Humans

    Lucy’s feet were made for walking

    A 3.2-million-year-old toe fossil suggests a humanlike gait for an ancient hominid.

  6. Animals

    Chimps may be aware of others’ deaths

    Reactions of chimps to dead companions and infants suggest a basic realization of what death entails.

  7. News briefs from 2011 AAAS meeting

    Collected shorts from the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held February 17-21 in Washington, D.C.

  8. Life

    1000 Genomes pilot a hit with geneticists

    The first stage of a project to probe human genetic diversity has found millions of new variations.

  9. Animals

    Female chimps play with ‘dolls’

    Youngsters mimic mothering by cradling sticks, reigniting debate over sex differences in toy choices.

  10. Letters

    Well-tooled apes The fascinating article “Aping the Stone Age” (SN: 11/21/09, p. 24) led me to wonder whether researchers who work with chimps or other higher apes have ever introduced them to the modern tools used by humans, such as saws, axes, hammers or pliers. If so, it would be interesting to know whether the […]

  11. Yawn

    Latest research awakens debate over why people can’t keep their mouths closed.

  12. Life

    Neandertal genome yields evidence of interbreeding with humans

    After years of looking, geneticists are shocked to find that 1 percent to 4 percent of DNA in people from Europe and Asia is inherited from Neandertals.
