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3,844 results
  1. Cosmology

    A new book explores how the concept of the multiverse has evolved

    Tom Siegfried, author of ‘The Number of the Heavens,’ discusses what the multiverse has meant to great thinkers throughout history.

  2. Science & Society

    How materials science has changed humankind — for better and worse

    As people began wielding new materials, the technologies fundamentally changed humankind, the new book ‘The Alchemy of Us’ argues.

  3. Animals

    New books explore why dogs and humans have such a special bond

    ‘Dog Is Love’ and ‘Our Dogs, Ourselves’ delve into the complicated, sometimes contradictory relationship that we have with our canine companions.

  4. Our take on this year’s big science newsmakers

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses the top science stories of the year.

  5. Archaeology

    To find answers about the 1921 race massacre, Tulsa digs up its painful past

    A century ago, hundreds of people died in a horrific eruption of racial violence in Tulsa. A team of researchers may have found a mass grave from the event.

  6. Math

    A new book shows how not to fall for dubious statistics

    Skipped statistics in school and wonder what you missed? David Spiegelhalter’s ‘The Art of Statistics’ has got you covered.

  7. Physics

    Record-breaking gravitational waves reveal that midsize black holes do exist

    The biggest merger of two black holes so far raises questions about how the pair of objects came to be.

  8. Space

    Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin revealed stars’ composition and broke gender barriers

    The book ‘What Stars Are Made Of’ celebrates the life of astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin.

  9. Space

    An astrophysicist honors citizen scientists in the age of big data

    In ‘The Crowd and the Cosmos,’ an astrophysicist gives due to citizen scientists and says they will continue to have a future in discovery.

  10. Planetary Science

    A century of astronomy revealed Earth’s place in the universe

    The past century of astronomy has been a series of revolutions, each one kicking Earth a bit farther to the margins.

  11. Science & Society

    ‘A Polar Affair’ delves into a centurylong cover-up of penguin sex

    In a new book, Lloyd Spencer Davis seeks to understand why an Antarctic explorer kept some of his penguin observations a secret.

  12. Science & Society

    How schools can reduce excessive discipline of Black students

    Black middle and high school students miss four times as much school as white children due to suspensions. What can be done to shrink the gap?
