Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Humans

    Animal hybrids may hold clues to Neandertal-human interbreeding

    The physical effects of interbreeding among animals may offer clues to Neandertals’ genetic mark on humans.

  2. Paleontology

    Free virtual fossils for everyone archives 3-D images of bones from over 200 genera of both living and extinct animals.

  3. Genetics

    Jumping genes play a big role in what makes us human

    Jumping genes have been a powerful force in human evolution.

  4. Genetics

    Mice can be male without Y chromosome

    Researchers bypass the Y chromosome to make male mice.

  5. Animals

    Documentary looks for meaning in Koko the gorilla’s life

    'Koko — The Gorilla Who Talks' documents the nearly 45-year relationship between researcher Penny Patterson and Koko, the subject of an ape sign language project.

  6. Humans

    Gelada monkeys know their linguistic math

    The vocalizations of gelada monkeys observe a mathematical principle seen in human language, a new study concludes.

  7. Paleontology

    Disney’s ‘The Jungle Book’ resurrects giant extinct ape

    Disney’s latest version of ‘The Jungle Book’ features Gigantopithecus, the largest known ape ever to have lived.

  8. Neuroscience

    How scientists are hunting for a safer opioid painkiller

    Scientists are sorting through chemical structures, twisting and turning known drugs and exploring new ways to ease pain.

  9. Anthropology

    Tooth, jaw fossils tell tale of North America’s last nonhuman primates

    Oregon fossils provide new clues to North America’s last nonhuman primates.

  10. Animals

    Great tits sing with syntax

    Humans are no longer the only species to use compositional syntax. Great tits do, too.

  11. Animals

    A monkey uses a stick to pick its teeth and nose

    A wild bearded capuchin monkey in Brazil was caught using tools to pick its nose and teeth.

  12. Anthropology

    Monkey’s small brain shows surprising folds

    An ancient monkey’s tiny brain developed folds, raising questions about primate evolution.
