Search Results for: Lions

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1,308 results
  1. Animals

    Cads of the savanna

    Male topi antelopes lie about predators to keep the ladies nearby.

  2. Letters

    Misunderstood males? I grew up on a farm, and it was not uncommon for male horses, male goats and even male deer to let out a snort whenever anxiety surfaced in them — whether it be from a predator in the area, the removal of food from their eating area or the wandering off of […]

  3. Humans

    Water’s Edge Ancestors

    Human evolution’s tide may have turned on lake and sea shores.

  4. Life

    Lone Star cats rescue cousins in Sunshine State

    Florida panther numbers have tripled since the introduction of females from Texas injected vital genetic diversity, a new report says.

  5. Life

    Marine census still counting new life-forms

    The Gulf of Mexico ranked among the top five marine regions for number of known species.

  6. Life

    One ocean, four (or more) killer whale species

    A new genetic analysis splits killer whales into multiple taxa.

  7. Life

    When two hyenas get the giggles

    Laughs of higher-status individuals are more posh, a study in a captive colony suggests.

  8. Ecosystems

    Sperm whales may team up to herd prey

    Data recorders yield first hints of coordinated feeding behavior.

  9. Life

    One ocean, four (or more) killer whale species

    Killer whales may be at least four species, a new study of mitochondrial DNA shows.

  10. Earth

    The FY 2011 budget: So much for transparency

    Cabinet officials and other administration leaders met with reporters yesterday to outline the President’s Fiscal Year 2011 federal budget. That spending blueprint includes $147-billion-and-change for research and development programs. But in contrast to past years, details tended to be skimpy today — and any chance for followup or verification of apparent trends has proven more difficult than usual.

  11. Science & Society

    A modest proposal for federal science spending

    President’s proposed FY 2011 budget outlines 5.9 percent increase in nondefense-related research and development funding.

  12. All kinds of tired

    Donkeys sleep about three out of each 24 hours. Certain reef fish spend the night moving their fins as if swimming in their sleep. Some biologists argue that all animals sleep in some form or another. But identifying sleep can get complicated. Insects have brain architecture so different from humans’, for example, that electrophysiological recordings […]
