Search Results for: Fungi

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1,375 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Moose drool can undermine grass defenses

    Saliva from moose and reindeer sabotages plants’ chemical weaponry.

  2. Genetics

    New tools reveal new truths about fungi, flies, antibiotics

    In the newsroom, any story about a new scientific method faces an uphill battle. In this issue are a number of stories that feature how science is done.

  3. Ecosystems

    Cities are brimming with wildlife worth studying

    Urban ecologists are getting a handle on the varieties of wildlife — including fungi, ants, bats and coyotes — that share sidewalks, parks and alleyways with a city’s human residents.

  4. Life

    The name of the fungus

    A rebellion has broken out against the traditional way of naming species in the peculiar, shape-shifting world of fungi.

  5. Genetics

    Yeast smell underpins partnership with fruit flies

    Yeast make fruity aromas that draw flies, which disperse the fungi. Researchers reveal the gene that underpins the mutually beneficial relationship.

  6. Life

    The origin of biological clocks

    Most of Earth’s creatures keep time with the planet’s day/night cycle. Scientists are still debating how and why the circadian clocks that govern biological timekeeping evolved.

  7. Health & Medicine

    How Kawasaki disease may blow in with the wind

    The origin of Kawasaki disease has been linked to farmlands in northeastern China.

  8. Earth

    Mineral hunting, mob math and more reader feedback

    Readers ask about Earth's most abundant mineral and discuss the notoriously unpredictable behavior of pedestrians.

  9. Genetics

    Gene drives spread their wings

    Gene drives may wipe out malaria and take down invasive species. But they may be difficult to control.

  10. Life

    Fungal fight club

    Combat between fungal individuals is a bit like war between heaps of spaghetti.

  11. Life

    First chromosome made synthetically from yeast

    Work with yeast marks the first time scientists have synthesized a chromosome from organisms with complex cells and represents a major step toward lab-created eukaryotic life.

  12. Animals

    Parchment worms are best pinched in the dark

    Meek tube-dwelling worms have strange glowing mucus and build papery tubes.
