Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Main malaria parasite came to humans from gorillas, not chimps

    Using DNA from fecal samples, researchers show that the infection was not passed to Homo sapiens by its closest primate relative.

  2. Humans

    Human mutation rate slower than thought

    First direct measurements show that the number of genetic typos inherited from each parent can be highly skewed toward either mom or dad.

  3. Book Review: Almost Chimpanzee: Searching for What Makes Us Human, in Rainforests, Labs, Sanctuaries, and Zoos by Jon Cohen

    Review by Bruce Bower.

  4. Animals

    Chimps wear personalities on their mugs

    Humans can assess the dominance of their close evolutionary relatives by glancing at the apes’ expressionless faces.

  5. Psychology

    Kids share, chimps stash

    Divvying up goods comes easily to 3-year-old kids but not to adult chimps, a finding with evolutionary implications.

  6. Humans

    The psychological toll of miscarriage can linger for years, plus bilingual timelines and twisted morality in this week’s news.

  7. Humans

    Ancestral gals roamed, guys stayed home

    Females in two ancient hominid species may have left their home groups to find mates.

  8. Humans


    Music keeps the mind sharp, plus chimp self-recognition, bullying's bodily effects and more in this week's news.

  9. Life


    Salamander's algal partners, tool-using capuchins, a beneficial bacterial infection and more in this week's news

  10. Humans


    Subliminal messages can help fight phobias, plus more in this week’s news.

  11. Humans

    Most Neandertals were right-handers

    Right handedness, and perhaps spoken language, originated at least a half million years ago, a new study suggests.

  12. Life

    Gone fishing, orangutan-style

    Apes that catch fish in ponds and eat them raise the possibility that ancient hominids did the same.
