Search Results for: Butterfly

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1,026 results
  1. Chemistry

    Hornet pigment drives solar cell in lab

    Though far from photosynthetic, an insect's light-harvesting apparatus intrigues scientists.

  2. Tech

    Out of the Box

    3-D entertainment steps beyond the glasses and headaches.

  3. Life

    Robins reject red glowing grub

    Parasitic worms induce a color change in their caterpillar victims that's literally repulsive to predators.

  4. Lopped Off

    Removal of top predators trickles through the food web.

  5. Evolution’s Wedges

    Finding the genes that drive one species into two.

  6. Butterflies and Moths: Portraits from the Tropical Forests of Costa Rica by J.C. Miller, D.H. Janzen and W. Hallwachs

    Full-page photos and text unveil Costa Rican Lepidoptera. BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS: PORTRAITS FROM THE TROPICAL FORESTS OF COSTA RICA BY J.C. MILLER, D.H. JANZEN AND W. HALLWACHS Belknap Press/Harvard Univ. Press, 2010, 256 p., $24.95.

  7. Life

    One small step for a snail, one giant leap for snailkind

    Experiments suggest that gastropods shed their shells in one fell swoop during the evolutionary transition that created slugs.

  8. All Patterns Great and Small

    Researchers uncover the origins of creatures’ stripes and spots.

  9. Climate

    Warming has already boosted insect breeding

    Museum records, publications suggest extra generations at same time as temperature increases

  10. Health & Medicine

    Residents of the brain

    It's a zoo in there: Scientists turn up startling diversity among neurons.

  11. Astronomy

    New images and spectra from a rejuvenated Hubble

    Newly released images provide graphic evidence that repairs have transformed the Hubble Space Telescope into a brand new observatory.

  12. Life

    Genes help monarchs migrate

    At least 40 genes help monarch butterflies find their way to overwintering sites in Mexico.
