Search Results for: Whales

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1,375 results
  1. Animals

    Simple change to fishing nets could save endangered whales’ lives

    Making industrial fishing ropes weaker would reduce humpback and right whale bycatch by almost three-quarters

  2. Animals

    Killer whales follow postmenopausal leaders

    Taking the lead on salmon hunts may be postmenopausal killer whales’ way of sharing their ecological knowledge.

  3. Science & Society

    Science News’ favorite books of 2016

    Science News writers and editors compiled a list of the books they were most excited about this year.

  4. Animals

    Rare fossils expand evolutionary history of sperm whales

    A pygmy fossil unearthed in Panama reveals that the organ the whales use to produce sound and echolocate shrunk over time.

  5. Animals

    Stretchy nerves help some big whales open wide

    Blue whales and their closest relatives have stretchy nerves near their mouths so they can open wide and swallow a lot of prey.

  6. Science & Society

    Special Report: Aging’s Future

    What is aging? How does it change the brain? How did different life histories evolve? This special report addresses those questions and more.

  7. Paleontology

    Rise of East African Plateau dated by whale fossil

    A whale fossil is helping to pinpoint when the East African Plateau started to rise and how the uplift played a role in human evolution, scientists say.

  8. Tech

    Virtual reality has a motion sickness problem

    Virtual reality games and experiences can make some people sick, and women are more susceptible.

  9. Plants

    How to keep seagrasses as happy as a clam

    Drought can do more damage to seagrass meadows if their partnership with clams break down.

  10. Animals

    ‘The Cultural Lives of Whales and Dolphins’ offers window into cetacean societies

    Dolphins and whales pass cultural knowledge to one another, the authors of a new book argue.

  11. Animals

    Bowhead whales may unlock the secrets to a long, healthy life

    Analyzing the genome of the bowhead whale may help scientists understand how the animals live for more than 200 years.

  12. Animals

    Some animals’ internal clocks follow a different drummer

    Circadian clocks in some animals tick-tock to a different beat.
