Search Results for: Shrimp

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475 results
  1. Tech

    Ocean Envy

    By mimicking the flippers of penguins, whales, and dolphins, engineers hope to make ocean vessels that are as maneuverable and efficient as the marine animals.

  2. Snap, Whistle, Pop at Sea

    The depths of the ocean are a noisy place. Sample the sounds of the croaker fish and other denizens of the sea. Listen to the calls of various marine mammals and the racket created by a bed of snapping shrimp. Then ponder the pinging pitter-patter of rain as heard from down under. Go to:, […]

  3. Paleontology

    Fossils of early salamanders found

    A recent discovery of fossilized salamanders pushes back a milestone in amphibian evolution by more than 100 million years.

  4. Animals

    Hooking the Gullible

    Research into fish behavior often reveals ways that bait designers can trick a fish into biting odd-looking lures, but angler appeal can also be an important marketing consideration.

  5. Animals

    Tadpoles kill by supersuction

    A high-speed video shows tiny African tadpoles that catch their prey in a manner unlike that used by any other frog larvae: by shooting out a tubular mouth for superfast suction.

  6. Animals

    Shrimps spew bubbles as hot as the sun

    With the snap of a claw, a pinkie-size ocean shrimp generates a collapsing air bubble that's hot enough to emit faint light.

  7. 18940

    In your article you refer to imploding “air bubbles” that are produced by shrimp. However, these cavities, which are formed by cavitation, are filled with water vapor, not air. As the shrimp claws move rapidly through the water, a low-pressure area is formed behind the claws. If the pressure is below the vapor pressure of […]

  8. Earth

    Catch Zero

    It generally has taken less than a generation for modern, industrial-scale fishing, once deployed in a new plot of ocean, to exhaust the vast majority of the sea’s edible bounty and leave behind decimated ecosystems and depleted economic opportunities.

  9. Earth

    Oceans Aswirl

    Whirls of ocean water up to hundreds of kilometers across create biological oases, transport heat from tropical climes to cooler latitudes, and affect everything from offshore oil platforms to long-distance yacht races.

  10. Copy Crab: DNA confirms that crab forms have several origins

    New genetic evidence suggests that crabs aren't all close relatives and their characteristic shape evolved independently on numerous occasions.

  11. Earth

    Mercurial Effects of Fish-Rich Diets

    In the spring of 2000, one of Jane M. Hightower’s patients had been concerned about hair loss, so the internist referred the woman to a specialist in her building. That dermatologist probed the woman’s medical history but could find no explanation. That is, until she suddenly recalled a radio broadcast about mercury poisoning in people […]

  12. Physics

    Star in a Jar? Hints of nuclear fusion found—maybe

    In a bench-top experiment, atomic nuclei may have fused inside rapidly imploding bubbles of vapor in a liquid bombarded by sound waves, but many scientists find the evidence for bubble fusion unconvincing.
