Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Materials that made us

    From our homes and cities to our electronics and clothing, the stuff of daily life is dramatically different from decades ago.

  2. Earth

    Reawakened Yellowstone geyser isn’t a sign of imminent explosion

    The 2018 reactivation of Yellowstone’s Steamboat Geyser isn’t a portent of dangerous volcanic or hydrothermal eruptions, scientists say.

  3. Other worlds

    The past century of astronomy has been a series of revolutions, each one kicking Earth a bit farther to the margins of the universe.

  4. Readers react to the history of plate tectonics, pandas rolling in poop and more

  5. Humans

    Ancient humans may have deliberately voyaged to Japan’s Ryukyu Islands

    Satellite-tracked buoys suggest that long ago, a remote Japanese archipelago was reached by explorers on purpose, not accidentally.

  6. Life

    Giant worms may have burrowed into the ancient seafloor to ambush prey

    20-million-year-old tunnels unearthed in Taiwan may have been home to creatures that ambushed prey similar to today’s monstrous bobbit worms.

  7. Humans

    Fossils and ancient DNA paint a vibrant picture of human origins

    Paleoanthropologists have sketched a rough timeline of how human evolution played out, centering the early action in Africa.

  8. Climate

    Fossil fuel use may emit 40 percent more methane than we thought

    Ice cores suggest natural seeps release less methane than was estimated, meaning industry produces nearly all of today’s geologic methane emissions.

  9. The human story

    A century ago, it wasn’t obvious where humans got their start. But decades of fossil discoveries, reinforced by genetic studies, have pointed to Africa as our homeland.

  10. Space

    Here are the highlights from a busy year in space launches

    Satellites, Mars rovers and astronauts launched into space in 2020.

  11. Environment

    Why planting tons of trees isn’t enough to solve climate change

    Massive projects need much more planning and follow-through to succeed – and other tree protections need to happen too.

  12. Earth

    An asteroid impact, not volcanism, may have made Earth unlivable for dinosaurs

    New simulations add to growing evidence that an asteroid strike, rather than the Deccan Traps eruptions, caused the end-Cretaceous extinction.
