Search Results for: Fungi

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1,375 results
  1. Life

    Microbes’ role in truffle scents not trifling

    Truffles make their prized aroma with a little help from their microbes, chemists suggest.

  2. Animals

    Rabbits leave a mark on soil long after they are gone

    Twenty years after rabbits were removed from a sub-Antarctic island, soil fungus has yet to return to normal, a study finds.

  3. Plants

    Defense hormones guide plant roots’ mix of microbes

    Plants use salicylic acid to attract some bacteria to roots and repel others.

  4. Life

    A vineyard’s soil influences the microbiome of a grapevine

    Vineyard soil microbes end up on grapes, leaves and flowers, study finds.

  5. Life

    A downy killer wages chemical warfare

    The common fungus Beauveria bassiana makes white downy corpses of its victims.

  6. Animals

    Neandertal of ant farmers grows modern food

    The most old-fashioned fungus-growing ant yet discovered grows a startlingly new-fangled crop.

  7. Chemistry

    Biology may provide just the right chemistry for new drugs

    Using enzymes and microbes to make new drugs may help revive the pharmaceutical industry.

  8. Animals

    Organisms age in myriad ways — and some might not even bother

    There is great variety in how animals and plants deteriorate (or don’t) over time.

  9. Life

    The tree of life gets a makeover

    Biology’s tree of life has morphed from the familiar classroom version emphasizing kingdoms into a complex depiction of supergroups, in which animals are aligned with a slew of single-celled cousins.

  10. Life

    When bacteria-killing viruses take over, it’s bad news for the gut

    A rise in some bacteria-killing viruses in the intestines may deplete good bacteria and trigger inflammatory bowel diseases.

  11. Animals

    Fungi threaten sea turtle nests

    The pathogens can kill up to 90 percent of eggs in a single nest.

  12. Chemistry

    Wanted: Crime-solving bacteria and body odor

    Forensic investigators are moving past old-school sleuthing to analyze microbes and odors that tell a more complete story, while pursuing ways to enhance traditional tools as well.
