Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Genetics

    North America’s earliest dogs came from Siberia

    North America’s first dogs have few descendants alive today, a study of ancient DNA suggests.

  2. Psychology

    When anxiety happens as early as preschool, treatments can help

    Researchers are seeking ways to break the link between preschool worries and adult anxiety.

  3. Health & Medicine

    How the new coronavirus stacks up against SARS and MERS

    Coronaviruses are a diverse family that may be becoming more threatening to people.

  4. Paleontology

    Peruvian fossils yield a four-legged otterlike whale with hooves

    A newly discovered species of ancient whale unearthed in Peru split time between land and sea.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Saving monkey testicle tissue before puberty hints at a new way to preserve fertility

    Frozen testicle tissue samples from prepubescent monkeys transplanted back onto those monkeys once they matured produced sperm.

  6. Animals

    Vaccines may help bats fight white nose syndrome

    Researchers are developing an oral vaccine that helps little brown bats survive the fungal disease white nose syndrome.

  7. Animals

    Bad moods could be contagious among ravens

    Ravens may pick up and share their compatriots’ negativity, a study on the social intelligence of these animals suggests.

  8. Readers respond to Lyme disease, fossil teeth and a Tesseract look-alike

    Readers had questions and comments on Lyme disease prevention, speciation, and a mysterious uranium cube.

  9. Paleontology

    A flexible bone that helps mammals chew dates back to the Jurassic Period

    A flexible bone that helps with chewing may have helped give rise to the Age of Mammals, a new fossil shows.

  10. Archaeology

    Dogs lived and died with humans 10,000 years ago in the Americas

    Dogs unearthed at sites in Illinois were older than originally thought.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Stem cell clinics’ much-hyped treatments lack scientific support

    Stem cell treatments for knee pain are strong on marketing, weak on science.

  12. Science & Society

    Can neighborhood outreach reduce inner-city gun violence in the U.S.?

    While mass shootings grab U.S. headlines, the steady scourge of inner-city gun violence gets less attention — and fewer solutions.
