Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Paleontology

    T. rex pulverized bones with an incredible amount of force

    Tyrannosaurus rex’s powerful bite and remarkably strong teeth helped the dinosaur crush bones.

  2. Paleontology

    Readers debate dinosaur designation and more

    Readers had questions about the dino family tree and Venus' habitability.

  3. Animals

    ‘Skeleton Keys’ unlocks the history and mysteries of bones

    From fish to dinosaurs to King Richard III, ‘Skeleton Keys’ surveys the scientific and cultural history of bones.

  4. Physics

    Can time travel survive a theory of everything?

    It’s not yet clear whether a theory that unites general relativity and quantum mechanics would permit time travel.

  5. Paleontology

    Long-necked dinosaurs grew to be giants in more ways than one

    Some early relatives of giant, long-necked sauropods may have used a different strategy to grow to colossal sizes than previously thought.

  6. Paleontology

    Paleontologists have ID’d the world’s biggest known dinosaur foot

    Bigfoot has been found in Wyoming. It’s not a hairy, apelike creature; it’s a dinosaur.

  7. Paleontology

    Colorful moth wings date back to the dinosaur era

    Microscopic structures that scatter light to give color to the wings of modern butterflies and moths date back almost 200 million years.

  8. Earth

    Erosion has erased most of Earth’s impact craters. Here are the survivors

    Earth’s largest known impact crater measures 160 kilometers in diameter. The newest, yet to be confirmed, stretches a still-whopping 31 kilometers.

  9. Animals

    This ancient fowl bit like a dinosaur and pecked like a bird

    A new fossil of Ichthyornis dispar helped scientists create a 3-D reconstruction of the ancient bird’s skull, shedding light on early bird evolution.

  10. Paleontology

    New fossils are redefining what makes a dinosaur

    While some researchers question what characteristics define the dinosaurs, others are uprooting the dino family tree altogether.

  11. Paleontology

    Here’s how hefty dinosaurs sat on their eggs without crushing them

    Some heavier dinos had a strategy to keep eggs warm without crushing them: sit in an opening in the middle of the clutch instead of on top of them.

  12. Animals

    Ticks had a taste for dinosaur blood

    A tick found trapped in amber is evidence the bloodsuckers preyed on feathered dinosaurs, a new study says.
