Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Life

    Culture results when chimps get cracking

    Adjacent groups in Africa follow different traditions when it comes to opening nuts.

  2. Archaeology

    Notorious Bones

    South African finds enter fray over origins of the human genus.

  3. Life

    Average bear could be pretty smart

    Computer tests of solitary species reveal animals’ ability to learn concepts.

  4. Animals

    Chimps lend a hand

    The finding suggests nonhuman primates recognize their peers’ intentions and desires.

  5. Animals

    Chimps show lethal side

    A collaborative scientific effort offers an inside look at ape homicides.

  6. Animals

    Furry Friends Forever

    Humans aren’t the only animals who benefit from having someone to count on.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Chimp brains don’t shrink

    Primate studies aim to find out why humans get dementia.

  8. Psychology

    Kids flex cultural muscles

    Young children, but not chimps or monkeys, generate collective leaps of knowledge.

  9. Humans

    DNA unveils enigmatic Denisovans

    Technical advances amplify the genetic record of a Stone Age humanlike population, ancestors of modern Melanesians.

  10. Anthropology

    Measure Your Giant Carefully And His Size Will Shrink

    Ongoing controversy over a hobbitlike hominid.

  11. Life

    He’s no rat, he’s my brother

    Rodents exhibit empathy by setting trapped friends free.

  12. Animals

    Chimp has an ear for talk

    Human-raised Panzee challenges the notion that only people can discern acoustically altered words.
