Search Results for: Algae

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1,393 results
  1. Paleontology

    Woolly mammoths’ last request: Got water?

    Woolly mammoths survived on an Alaskan island thousands of years after mainland mammoths went extinct. But they died out when their lakes dried up, thanks to a warming climate and rising sea levels.

  2. Life

    1.56-billion-year-old fossils add drama to Earth’s ‘boring billion’

    Ancient multicellular eukaryotes big enough to be seen by the naked eye discovered in 1.56-billion-year-old rock in China may be an ancestor of modern algae.

  3. Animals

    Algal toxin impairs sea lion memory

    California sea lions that have brain damage linked to domoic acid poisoning have impaired spatial memory, a new study finds.

  4. Genetics

    Jumping genes play a big role in what makes us human

    Jumping genes have been a powerful force in human evolution.

  5. Animals

    Venomous fish have evolved many ways to inflict pain

    Fish venom shows great diversity and is being studied to treat pain, cancer and other diseases.

  6. Animals

    Piggybacking tadpoles are epic food beggars

    Tadpoles beg so frantically among mimic poison frogs that researchers check to see whether they’re just scamming.

  7. Oceans

    Melissa Omand’s clever tech follows the fate of ocean carbon

    Drawn to the water early, oceanographer Melissa Omand now leads research cruises studying how carbon and nutrients move through the seas.

  8. Oceans

    Widespread coral bleaching threatens world’s reefs

    The world’s corals are experiencing their third major bleaching event in 17 years.

  9. Physics

    Pentaquarks, locked-in syndrome and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss pentaquark sightings, delightful diatoms and whether an ancient four-legged fossil was actually a snake.

  10. Animals

    Devils Hole pupfish may not have been so isolated for so long

    New genetic study questions Devils Hole pupfish’s supposed history of long isolation.

  11. Genetics

    A circadian clock transplant gives E. coli rhythm

    Clockworks from algae built into E. coli may hold future jet lag treatment.

  12. Life

    The origin of biological clocks

    Most of Earth’s creatures keep time with the planet’s day/night cycle. Scientists are still debating how and why the circadian clocks that govern biological timekeeping evolved.
