Search Results for: superconductivity

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849 results
  1. Physics

    Superconductor has odd electron pairing

    Although electrons pair up in many superconductors, there's one in which they join together in two different ways, new calculations confirm.

  2. Tech

    Resistancefree wire takes long jump

    A wire-making company has demonstrated a process that yields potentially inexpensive, high-current superconducting wires about 10 times longer than previous prototypes.

  3. Humans

    Flame Out: Fishy findings sustain, then snuff, stellar career

    Investigators have concluded that a young, up-and-coming physicist repeatedly faked data and committed other types of scientific misconduct.

  4. Math

    Staying in Step

    Late in the winter of 1665, an ailing Christiaan Huygens (1629–1695) was confined to his room for a few days. The Dutch physicist whiled away the hours of his confinement by closely observing and pondering the odd behavior of two pendulum clocks he had recently constructed. Huygens had obtained a patent on the first pendulum […]

  5. Chemistry

    Carbon nanotubes show superconductivity

    Researchers have made individual superconductive carbon nanotubes that are just 0.4 nanometer wide.

  6. Physics

    Magnetism piece fits no-resistance puzzle

    Experimenters have found evidence that a type of magnetic behavior correlated with the onset of zero electrical resistance in some so-called high-temperature superconductors is generic to the whole class of those materials, yielding a possible clue to how the substances lose their resistance.

  7. Tech

    Magnetic refrigerator gets down and homey

    Because it uses a permanent magnet, a new, prototype magnetic cooler takes up so little space that it could give rise to ordinary household refrigerators and air conditioners that run on magnetism instead of volatile liquids.

  8. Physics

    Run-of-the-mill compound becomes superstar

    The discovery that simple, common magnesium diboride can conduct electric current without resistance and does so at a surprisingly high temperature has sent physicists racing to understand its properties and to try to improve upon them.

  9. Tech

    Current may flow free and cheap

    Wires that carry electricity without resistance at relatively high temperatures--and are inexpensive--moved a large step closer to reality as a 100-fold speed-up in depositing a key material wiped out a major obstacle to making those wires.

  10. Materials Science

    SQUID can catch concealed corrosion

    A new technology that can detect corrosion deep within aluminum aircraft parts has revealed that high concentrations of salt don't corrode hidden joints any more than low levels of salt.

  11. Do Superconducting Currents Choose Stripes?

  12. Science News of the Year 2001

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2001.
