Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Tiny glasses help reveal how praying mantises can see in 3-D

    Newfound nerve cells in praying mantises help detect different views that each of the insects’ eyes sees, a mismatch that creates depth perception.

  2. Tech

    This flying robot could reveal secrets of the aerial world of insects

    A new winged robot with the exceptional agility of a fruit fly could lend insight into animal flight.

  3. Astronomy

    To boldly go where no robot explorer has gone before

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses the importance of robotic space missions for scientific research.

  4. Tech

    Children may be especially vulnerable to peer pressure from robots

    Elementary school children often endorsed unanimous but inaccurate judgments made by small groups of robots.

  5. Space

    China stuck its moon landing this year. Others weren’t as lucky

    Fifty years after Apollo 11 landed on the moon, Earth’s sidekick is getting renewed attention from space agencies around the world.

  6. Tech

    Here’s what robots could learn from fire ants

    Fire ants’ secret to success is prioritizing efficiency over fairness. Robot teams could use that strategy to work more efficiently in tight, crowded quarters.

  7. Tech

    With this new system, robots can ‘read’ your mind

    Giving robots instructions via brain waves and hand gestures could help the machines operate more safely and efficiently.

  8. Space

    Voyager 2 reveals the dynamic, complex nature of the solar system’s edge

    With two spacecraft outside the sun’s magnetic bubble, researchers get a new look at the boundary between the sun and its galactic environment.

  9. Planetary Science

    NASA’s InSight lander has touched down safely on Mars

    NASA’s InSight lander just touched down on Mars for a years-long study of the Red Planet’s insides.

  10. Materials Science

    Magnets make a new soft metamaterial stiffen up in a flash

    Scientists can dial the stiffness of a bizarre new type of synthetic material up or down using magnets.

  11. Computing

    Virtual avatars learned cartwheels and other stunts from videos of people

    A new computer system that lets animated characters learn acrobatic skills from videos could be a cheaper alternative to traditional motion capture.

  12. Space

    NASA’s Parker probe reveals the sun’s rogue plasma waves and magnetic islands

    Scientists have analyzed the Parker probe’s first data, giving a peek at what’s to come as the craft moves closer to the sun over the next few years.
