Search Results for: Artificial Intelligence

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795 results
  1. Life

    Rivalry helps fruit flies maintain brainpower

    In lab tests, males dim mentally after generations without competitors.

  2. Life

    Flagellum failure lets bacteria turn

    Buckling of appendage drives tiny two-point turn.

  3. Tech

    Designing robots to help in a disaster

    Ideally, robots could take over for human crews in disaster zones. But seemingly simple tasks, such as walking, communicating and staying powered up, still pose big challenges.

  4. Humans

    BLOG: Humans’ not-so singular status

    Reporting from the Euroscience Open Forum in Dublin, editor in chief Tom Siegfried discusses how neuroscience and artificial intelligence research are challenging ideas of selfhood and humankind's specialness.

  5. Math

    A Mind from Math

    Alan Turing, often considered the father of computer science, was born a century ago, in June of 1912. He foresaw machines’ potential to mimic brains.

  6. BOOK REVIEW: The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive by Brian Christian

    Review by Laura Sanders.

  7. Humans

    Social Media Sway

    Worries over political misinformation on Twitter attract scientists’ attention.

  8. BOOK REVIEW: Sex on Six Legs: Lessons on Life, Love and Language from the Insect World by Marlene Zuk

    Review by Susan Milius.

  9. Tech

    Software Scientist

    With a little data, Eureqa generates fundamental laws of nature.

  10. Animals

    Lost to history: The “churk”

    More than a half-century ago, researchers at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center outside Washington, D.C., engaged in some creative barnyard breeding. Their goal was the development of fatherless turkeys — virgin hens that would reproduce via parthenogenesis. Along the way, and ostensibly quite by accident, an interim stage of this work resulted in a rooster-fathered hybrid that the scientists termed a churk.

  11. Meet the Growbots

    Social robots take baby steps toward humanlike smarts.

  12. Book Review: Not Exactly: In Praise of Vagueness by Kees van Deemter

    Review by Sid Perkins.
